
New Tour Dates.......7/24/2008

Hi friends

It's been awhile and yes, I admit, I have been SERIOUSLY neglecting my blog but there has been A LOT (and I mean a lot) of things brewing in the pot!

Personally, I have recently made a very big and scary adult leap and purchased a home here in Los Angeles...ahh! Mortgage!

In music...wowo! It's been a whirlwind! (still is). It's tough because there are a bunch of things I can't really mention (that I can almost mention) but I will tell you this - they are super exciting.

Here's a little hint: one of the big ones has to do with Europe (oooo!!)

I have been spending a lot of my time writing, both for new "Julie Neumark" tunes and also I have begun a project with another very talented singer/songwriter. This project is in the infant stages but I can already tell it is going to be so fun! There will be more for you to read on this (and hear!) soon...

Check out my new tour dates...the fall midwest tour is almost together! Dave Carducci are touring acoustically and coming to some new cities (which I am really excited about) - Indianapolis, Lexington, Champaign/Urbana, Milwaukee - as well as hitting up some of the wonderfully supportive "regulars" - Cincinnati, Covington, Chicago, Grand Rapids, Columbus, and Toledo. Mark your calendars and save the date!

Alright - that's it for now...but I will be back REALLY soon to fill you in on some of the details....promise!


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