The beautiful circle of life - Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29th, 2009 -
Today I blog because I am human. Not because I am a musician who has just finished a tour...not because I am plugging my next gig....not because I was signed by a label. Today I blog as Julie Neumark the person, the woman, the individual. Today I blog in celebration of the circle of life and all of it's mystery and wonderment.
Four years ago today, I lost my father, Michael Neumark, to Cancer. cancer. This ruthless and growing parasitcal destroyer does not deserve to be capitalized. My father surrendered peacefully the night of April 28th, 2005, just moments after midnight, technically making it April 29th but emotionally my family will always feel more of an attachment to the 28th.
Last night, April 28th, 2009 at 11:20 pm, my brother and sister-in-law welcomed a beautiful baby girl into our lives, Sloane Elizabeth Neumark, weighing a healthy 7lbs 8oz. This is their first child and would have been my father's first grandchild.
I have not been able to stop thinking about the coincidence or serendipidity or fate or whatever you want to call it, of the situation. There are 364 OTHER wonderful days in the year...why did little Sloane choose that time to make her grand entrance? I don't have an answer....I spent some of my morning googling "baby birth parent death same day" and stuff like that and found nothing. I even through the word "reincarnation" into my search thinking I might find something that way, although I am not suggesting my 59 year old father has come back to the earth as a 7lb baby girl. Still, nothing. I just can't stop my mind from wondering about it all. This "perfect circle"....
I have to get back to the work I am doing but I think I'll put on Live's "Lightening Crashes"
Good song choice. For today, it marks 14 years since the loss of my grandmother. The last of April marks 4 years for the sudden loss of my aunt.
To hear a new life was born so close to the is a very beautiful thing so thank you for sharing the news with all of us. Take care to All!
That is just so beautiful, like a gift, to celebrate that day instead of having a tough day.
Great choice of song, by the way. The strength in it is just amazing.
Everything happens for a reason.
In my world too. My birthday was one of at which I arrived a week late to. But the Month and the Day is also my maternal grandparents secret wedding anniversary and my maternal great grandmother's birthday.
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