The Hump-Blog of the Little Dame - 8/28/2007
Julie's got a blog…..Julie's got a blog….her gun day's just a dog….
Apparently there is a pattern developing here, a dangerous one, because what happens when I run out of songs that I can oh-so-creatively substitute with my blog-related lyrics?
Well, I guess I shall cease to blog when that day comes.
Welcome back, fellow cubers and other friends! This is my second official edition of:
Why am I calling it that?
"Hump" because it's Wednesday and Wednesday is often referred to as "hump-day" and I shall be continuing to release these on Wednesdays.
***incidentally, that is the second time I used the word "shall"….a word not too often used in colloquial English today. I think I shall bring it back….
It sounds like "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". I got excited by that and rushed to wikipedia to look it up to find some clever similarities between the two of us. Here is what I found: he had a hunchback, he was an orphan, he befriended Gargoyles (in the Walt Disney version). I: have lots of hunches about THINGS, I played an orphan in "Annie" as a child, and if I met a Gargoyle I would befriend it.
I am a "Little Dame"….first I am a dame ('cause I'm a girl) AND I'm little (only 5'3")
I think that anyone on my creative team for my upcoming album would nix it as a title pertaining to ANYTHING that is "Julie Neumark" because they would think it was "dumb" or "cliché" or "unoriginal" or "too original" or "too obscure" or "not obscure enough"…..seriously!
But THEY have the corner on what is BEST for me and my career because I have been told THEY can achieve something that I cannot with regards to my career: OBJECTIVITY
Hmm. Now I think I know what this blog shall be about (*that's 5 "shalls"!) :
I don't think it exists, at least purely in our human form. We always ALWAYS have some sort of bias, I believe. Even if it is indirect and oh-so-subtle. It's entertaining to me how we (myself included) walk around saying things like, "I can give you an objective opinion." It's an oxymoron right there! "objective opinion"….objective – "undistorted by emotion or personal bias" and opinion – "a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty" (*wordnet at
How can a personal belief or judgement that is not founded on proof or certainty be undistorted by emotion or personal bias??!!?
Isn't it funny how many different friends will give you all sorts of DIFFERENT "objective" opinions? Why do we so often hold objectivity as gold and subjectivity as the red-headed step child?
I guess what it comes down to for me is that I believe that subjectivity (a personal belief "based on individual personal impressions and feelings and opinions" – wordnet at is a beautiful, natural, and healthy human form of expression.
It's real, it's authentic, it's honest, it's pure!
And, I am asking for a little of it from all of you.
There is no money to give.
There is no petition to sign.
It's really pretty shallow and all about me.
You see, I am in the process of choosing a photo for the cover of my upcoming album, "Dimestore Halo". My creative team and I are experiencing some "creative differences" due to our own "subjectivities."
I would love your all's subjective opinions.
Here's what to do.
I have posted my top choices on my in the album titled "Cover choices" in my myspace photos. Please take a look when you get the chance and send me a blog comment with your vote!
I thank you in advance for your subjectivity.
I'll be responding once again on Friday, so til then, don't get your panties in a bunch – it's just your life…
Apparently there is a pattern developing here, a dangerous one, because what happens when I run out of songs that I can oh-so-creatively substitute with my blog-related lyrics?
Well, I guess I shall cease to blog when that day comes.
Welcome back, fellow cubers and other friends! This is my second official edition of:
Why am I calling it that?
"Hump" because it's Wednesday and Wednesday is often referred to as "hump-day" and I shall be continuing to release these on Wednesdays.
***incidentally, that is the second time I used the word "shall"….a word not too often used in colloquial English today. I think I shall bring it back….
It sounds like "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". I got excited by that and rushed to wikipedia to look it up to find some clever similarities between the two of us. Here is what I found: he had a hunchback, he was an orphan, he befriended Gargoyles (in the Walt Disney version). I: have lots of hunches about THINGS, I played an orphan in "Annie" as a child, and if I met a Gargoyle I would befriend it.
I am a "Little Dame"….first I am a dame ('cause I'm a girl) AND I'm little (only 5'3")
I think that anyone on my creative team for my upcoming album would nix it as a title pertaining to ANYTHING that is "Julie Neumark" because they would think it was "dumb" or "cliché" or "unoriginal" or "too original" or "too obscure" or "not obscure enough"…..seriously!
But THEY have the corner on what is BEST for me and my career because I have been told THEY can achieve something that I cannot with regards to my career: OBJECTIVITY
Hmm. Now I think I know what this blog shall be about (*that's 5 "shalls"!) :
I don't think it exists, at least purely in our human form. We always ALWAYS have some sort of bias, I believe. Even if it is indirect and oh-so-subtle. It's entertaining to me how we (myself included) walk around saying things like, "I can give you an objective opinion." It's an oxymoron right there! "objective opinion"….objective – "undistorted by emotion or personal bias" and opinion – "a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty" (*wordnet at
How can a personal belief or judgement that is not founded on proof or certainty be undistorted by emotion or personal bias??!!?
Isn't it funny how many different friends will give you all sorts of DIFFERENT "objective" opinions? Why do we so often hold objectivity as gold and subjectivity as the red-headed step child?
I guess what it comes down to for me is that I believe that subjectivity (a personal belief "based on individual personal impressions and feelings and opinions" – wordnet at is a beautiful, natural, and healthy human form of expression.
It's real, it's authentic, it's honest, it's pure!
And, I am asking for a little of it from all of you.
There is no money to give.
There is no petition to sign.
It's really pretty shallow and all about me.
You see, I am in the process of choosing a photo for the cover of my upcoming album, "Dimestore Halo". My creative team and I are experiencing some "creative differences" due to our own "subjectivities."
I would love your all's subjective opinions.
Here's what to do.
I have posted my top choices on my in the album titled "Cover choices" in my myspace photos. Please take a look when you get the chance and send me a blog comment with your vote!
I thank you in advance for your subjectivity.
I'll be responding once again on Friday, so til then, don't get your panties in a bunch – it's just your life…
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