Snowy Apple - 2/13/2006

When life gives you apples, sometimes you just have to make applesauce...or something like that. I am now in day 2 of being stranded in Manhattan, post Bitter End gig on Saturday night. I do believe I picked the one weekend to play in NYC that there was a blizzard. The gig was great! Despite the snowy night, we had a great crowd and sold every last one of the cds! We will no doubt be returning to this great city warmer times. My guitarist, Alan, and I were scheduled to leave at 8am sunday (after the Sat. gig) but our flight was cancelled and rescheduled for this evening. I was frustrated at first, but as 5 of us sat in my brother's 1 bedroom manhattan apt. yesterday afternoon I thought to myself, "You know, this is nice. I can't do anything besides sit here and hang out with people I love and don't make nearly enough time for usually." Sad that mother nature has to be the deciding factor in something like this. I suppose it's a good reminder to make time for friends and family on your own, before uncontrollable forces of nature do it for you. Alright, enough blabbing on...i've got a plane to catch.....sunny and 75, here I come!!
just started listening. you rock!! not to mention damn hott!! sorry not meaning to be creepy;)
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